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This page is only if you live in CAPE TOWN or within 75km



ICT’S PRIMARY MISSION is to offer training to people who have never worked or who have limited work experience and limited training. Therefore, please understand that there is a VERY LOW CHANCE you will be accepted to ICT if:

  1. You have been repeatedly employed.

  2. You have had previous training of three months or longer in hospitality or any employable field.

If you fit into either of these two things, ICT believes you are ahead of the game.  We would like to see you make use of that effort or certification.



Class 52: July - March 2026

Applications open in May

Keep checking here or our Facebook page for the precise date


Please do not be one minute late for any ICT interview. If you are late we will sadly turn you away. We know there can be any number of transport problems, but if you want to be a professional, you must NEVER BE LATE.



8 Months / 3 Phases

You will earn NO money until the end of your 6th month of training. You MUST provide your own transport. You MUST have a phone and provide your own data & airtime. You and your family MUST be prepared for this.


ONE MONTH: Attending ICT one day per week and completing all all homework assignments.



FOUR MONTHS: Various weeks of practical and theoretical studies at ICT combined with internships in Cape Town restaurants or hotels



THREE MONTHS: PAID employment in a Cape Town restaurant or hotel

You must successfully complete all three phases in order to receive your ICT certificate.



  • You may NOT apply to ICT if you are the primary caretaker of a child under 2 years of age. The demands of the professional kitchen will interfere with your important parental responsibilities.

  • You must be age 21 or over AT THE TIME YOU APPLY.  There is no upper age limit.

  • Tuition is free.  Matric is not necessary.  Classes are full-time and only in Cape Town.

  • You must give 100% effort at all times.  Class times are 07:00–16:30, Monday through Friday, including public holidays and one weekend day.  You must commit all of your time and energy to your training.

  • Good health and physical fitness are a must.

  • Proof of a COVID-19 vaccination is no longer required, but it is strongly preferred.  If you are vaccinated, you will be asked to attach a copy of your proof of vaccination with you application forms.

  • Foreign nationals are welcome to apply. You must have an Asylum Seeker permit or Asylum Status or a Work permit in your passport.

  • If you are accepted to ICT, you must undergo a criminal record check. Having a criminal record will NOT automatically disqualify you from being admitted. Even if you have a criminal record, we encourage you to apply.​



  • ​You must download the application forms ONLY for yourself.  Do not download the forms and give them to another person.

  • Instructions for submitting your forms are on the front page of the forms.  Any incomplete or improperly submitted applications will NOT be considered.

  • You will receive a phone call from Chef Ntombi or Chef Shadreck to inform you of the date and time for your first interview.  You MUST NOT BE ONE MINUTE LATE.

  • You must attend THREE INTERVIEWS to be considered for acceptance.

  • Attending the interviews does not guarantee acceptance to class.

  • NO ONE IS PERMITTED TO POST OUR APPLICATION FORMS ANYWHERE ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA. You may post a link to this page, but not to the application itself.



Know these things BEFORE you apply to ICT

  • ​ICT trains people for careers in the professional kitchen. YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT THE LIFESTYLE OF THE PROFESSIONAL CHEF.  Learn about it.  Know what you are getting into.  You wouldn't want to be part of a soccer team if you didn't like to run.  You should know about the mental and physical challenges, the long hours and hard work that are part of the job.  You will leave home early and return home late.

  • You must be able to work nights, weekends, and public holidays.  There are NO DECEMBER HOLIDAYS in the hospitality industry.

  • Start RIGHT NOW to get physically fit.  At ICT, you will do gym every day.  You will be on your feet, moving quickly.

  • Classes are in English only.  We understand that most people struggle with English. That is ok. That is nothing to be ashamed of.  Just be prepared to try your hardest all the time.

  • Drinking alcohol, smoking dagga, or using any other recreational drugs will not be permitted at any time while you are an ICT student.

  • Start building a professional mindset today.  Start reading or watching videos about successful people. Expose yourself to new ideas. Don't just sit at home waiting for a phone call.  If you prepare yourself for your interviews, you will be ahead of the crowd.​

Application forms for Class 52 coming in May
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